Enhanced Fake News Detection with Bi-LSTM Networks and TF-IDF
Bi-directional LSTM, Deep Learning, Fake News Detection, Machine Learning, TF-IDF VectorizationAbstract
In this digital age, fake news is spread amazingly, posing challenges to public opinion, democracy, and media trust. Guided by these concerns, this research paper proposes a novel application of the Bi-directional Long Short-Term Memory model inefficiently differentiating genuine news articles from defective ones. In the paper, the dataset used is highly filtered and contains 23,096 news articles. All of them are tightly checked in terms of completeness and relevance. Another inherent problem with this dataset is a class imbalance, which is intrinsic in most supervised learning scenarios. In the paper, the authors used a TF-IDF vectorization method to help combat these challenges. This will further normalize the text data and increase model attention toward the most informative features, hence improving classification accuracy. The Bi-LSTM model performed very well, achieving an accuracy of 98%. It further returned extremely high values for the other important metrics: it had a precision of 0.97, a recall of 0.99, an F1-score of 0.98, and an AUC-ROC of 0.99. From these results, it widely outperformed the baseline models where logistic regression, SVM, and RF formed the baseline, hence asserting the supremacy of Bi-LSTM for managing the complex patterns inherent in fake news dissemination. Among these high-performance metrics, rigorous text preprocessing techniques were implemented in the study, which further embedded early stopping to ensure the model can generalize well against new, unseen data. Moreover, additional evaluation of the confusion matrix ensured very accurate precision and recall of the model, hence reliable and effective.